Summary of Panel Presentations

  • Dr Charlotte Crofts University of the West of England


Can audio-visual practice be both a methodology and a form of dissemination for research? What are the particular issues for researchers working in media practice and what is the status of practice as research in terms of speaking for itself, or needing additional written documentation? How useful are the established definitions of practice research? In what ways is practice research pushing at the boundaries of documentary filmmaking? What is the relationship between academic practice research and the industry? These are the issues that arose in this very stimulating film panel, consisting of four presentations and screenings of practice research, each contributing to debates around the relationship between theory and practice.
September 17, 2007
How to Cite
Crofts, D. C. (2007). Summary of Panel Presentations. Networking Knowledge: Journal of the MeCCSA Postgraduate Network, 1(1).