Vol. 2 No. 1 (2009): MeCCSA-PGN Conference 2008

MeCCSA-PGN Conference 2008 at the University of Sussex, Brighton.

The MeCCSA Postgraduate Network hosted its fifth annual postgraduate conference in July 2008 at the University of Sussex, Brighton. Building on previous events in Ulster, Cardiff, Birmingham and Bristol, the two-day event featured 66 papers on a range of topics across the fields of media, communication and cultural studies. We are delighted to now present a selection of the papers given at the conference. This issue of the journal was co-edited by Jimmy Billingham, Colette Duke, Craig Haslop and Jérôme Hansen. With special thanks to all referees and voluntary proofreaders. Cover design by Aristea Fotopoulou. All work is copyrighted © to MeCCSA Postgraduate Network and cannot be reproduced without the express permission of the individual authors.

Published: January 21, 2009

MeCCSA-PGN Conference Papers